Hometown Cooperative Gallery Celebrate
17th Anniversary
Friday, May 27th - 6PM to 8PM
Arts Prescott, Cooperative Gallery was founded 17 years ago by a group of Prescott artists. The gallery is still owned and operated by local artists.
The gallery offers original fine arts and fine crafts in a warm and friendly atmosphere. One of the goals of the gallery is to seek out opportunities to
serve and support the greater Prescott community. Over the years this has ranged from direct donations of works of art and money to community
organizations to hosting shows featuring work of students from local schools and the works of various local master artists in all mediums.
One of the main benefits Arts Prescott Cooperative Gallery is that the public meets and works directly with the artists that created the artwork displayed in the gallery. The gallery is conveniently located in the heart of Whiskey Row at 134 S. Montezuma Street in downtown Prescott, Arizona.
You may also visit the gallery website at www.artspresott.com.
Arts Prescott Gallery, in the heart of Whisky Row, has twenty- four gifted people bound together in a cooperative that both feeds their artistic appetites. This year is their 17th anniversary of doing business in Prescott. Some years, like these, have been leaner, some years have been
roaring. Throughout them all the co-op gallery has steadily generated good arts and fine craft for the enjoyment of the community and its visitors.
Artists have several choices when it comes to getting their art out . Traditional galleries, the show circuit, professional competitions, the internet and co-operative galleries like Arts Prescott. All but the last demand that the artist go it alone. Artists within the co-op are still individuals, doing their own work, meeting their own obligations and risks but when the creative well dries out a bit, or the flow of funds slows down, those artists can look to their partners for advice, commiseration and
encouragement. Sounds good doesn't it, creative independency and commercial partnership.
17 years is a long time for a small business, here's wishing them another
17. -- Join the Party...Friday, May 27- The 17th Anniversary of your hometown Gallery from
6pm to 8:30pm
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