January 6th at 6 PM -- Dr. Robert Liu
Co-Editor of Ornament Magazine
Title: Beads Worldwide: A Journey Through Time and Space.
This lecture will be based on research completed for the chapter Dr. Liu wrote for the Berg/Oxford multivolume Encyclopedia of Dress, which was recently published.
Dr. Liu’s fascinating, informative, and colorful presentation will focus on the earliest beads and move to the current situation with artist-made glass beads. Pertinent points from the presentation will be illustrated with images.
Left: Kiffa powderglass pendants from Mauritania, which are among the highest form of bead art, and made exclusively by women.
Trained as an ethologist/ichthyologist, Robert K. Liu received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles, where he worked on experimental gerontology and immunology in the Department of Pathology, School of Medicine. In 1975 Liu left biomedical research after founding The Bead Journal, which changed its title in 1978 to Ornament, a journal of personal adornment. Self-trained as a jeweler and photographer, the author has written extensively on ancient, ethnic and contemporary jewelry and personal adornment. He is the author of Collectible Beads, as well as over 600 articles or publications. Gerontology, ichthyology, animal behavior, military technology and history and construction equipment are other fields in which he has published.
Sponsored in part by: Ornament Magazine
The Bead Museum
5754 W. Glenn Drive
Glendale, AZ 85301