Mary Hettmansperger – Designing Fiber Jewelry – Woven, Found and Forged
The goal of this
three day session is to introduce students to a variety of weaving techniques
that can be interpreted into jewelry. Coiling, looping, twining, knotting,
sumac, and plaiting will all be used and incorporated into a variety of jewelry
pieces. Each technique will be learned through the making of a piece of
jewelry. Once the techniques have been covered students will then explore low
tech metal work, cold connections, and combining the many techniques. All
Materials Fee: $10-$40 depending on what students bring and what is used of instructor's materials.
Photo taken from the IWC web site.
Intermountain Weavers Conference - IWC - 2009
July 30 - August 2,
Fort Lewis College -Durango, Colorado
Three-day workshops - Fiber Market
IWC writes, "IWC began as Intermountain Weavers Conference in
1979 with plans to hold a regional conference in 1983. It was held at Fort Lewis
College in Durango, Colorado and a conference has been held every 2 years since
then. Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah were later joined by Nevada as
member states."
"Our conference is open to all everyone interested in fiber arts --- not just weavers"
For more information go to: http://intermountainweavers.ipower.com/index.html