At the last Fiber Show I was shopping at Loom N Essence. Sharon had knitting needles made from milk. I asked about this and Sharon told me that the manufacture of the needles used casein, a milk protein. The milk is acidified with the addition of rennet, the curd is separated from the whey, dried at extremely high temperatures turning it into a granulated powder.
With the casein derived totally from natural products this makes them biodegradable, non-static, fast, smooth and noiseless when knitting.
This age old technique is environmentally and ergonomically friendly. Casein is light, and warm, with flexibility which is a benefit for knitters with strain injuries or arthritis. Using natural fibers and natural tools for knitting is preserving and industry with a heritage and securing its link to the past writes the Swallow Company. They create these wonderful "back to nature" knitting needles.
You can check out these needles at: