Joanne Maginelli is spinning on her new Roberta Electronic Spinner. We two spent an afternoon spinning up a storm. It only took Joanne 5 minutes and she was a pro spinning on her NEW Roberta.
The afternoon when by in a snap. We both were so busy spinning we both were amazed when the clock struck 5 PM.
Joanne will continue the run in process of her Roberta tonight, and if I know her she will have it buzzing like a bee.
The bearing material needs to “marry up” with the steel of the flyer, thus producing the condition for the lightest draw-in. With this being achieved, you are able to create a draw-in from a very light level, to as hard as you wish, by using the tension brake. I did this before Joanne arrived. The first 8 hours spinning on her Roberta Joanne will continue the run in phase so her wheel will always spin perfectly.
When a new owner picks up a wheel I like to spend time with them to make sure they have everything they need. Of course, I enjoy the spinning time as well.
I have the Jumbo Dual Power Wheel with the 3 Jumbo bobbins.
Jo and I both have the Dual Power so we can spin during long car rides and we also have the Pause Control Option. What fun it is to have such great spinning tools.