I can only thank the Mountain Spinners and Weavers Guild for hosting this wonderful Creative Knitting - au naturel class by Brecia Kralovic-Logan. Without the guild this class would not have taken place in Prescott.
Anne Marie Bellem was Brecia's host while she was here in Prescott and the classes were also held at Anne Marie's home.
The Guild Meeting this month was all about show and tell and the Creative Knitting class gave us alot to show!
The photos today represent my Creative Knitting Project. I am using nearly all hand spun yarns. Some eye lash and novelty yarns are used throughout the piece. It it always a great feeling to use my hand spun. Spinners can only understand that.
I added several I-cords in this piece by knitting them in after first knitting the eye cord. This is just one of many fun adornments I have added.
This project will be a cape when I am finished with it. Most of the hand spun I am using is my Raggedy Ro. I have several skeins on my web store, but with this creative knitting I doubt that I will have much left to sell.
Brecia began her Creative Knitting class with a circle and from that circle a Fiber Art piece evolves.
Brecia Kralovic-Logan shows her work on her web site:
Creative Knitting allows you to knit without a pattern. Watching Brecia lay a piece on her body to see where to knit next it inspiring to a new knitter. That would be me, a new knitter. It was my goal to learn to knit in 2008and I am on my way.
I did do a knitted hand bag class taught by Carma Koester a few years ago. There I learned the basic knitting stitch. Carma also taught the I-cord during that class. The hand bag was then felted and I adorned it with a huge tubular bead. The hand bag found its way on my blog in 2007.