Basic Knit Mix is required for Brecia Kralovic-Logan's Creative Knitting au naturel. Brecia requires you to bring a variety of yarn with fabulous colors and textures. Brecia had us pick a picture from a folder and imagine the colors and texture as we knitted during the day.
Joanne Manginelli choose Arizona's Grand Canyon photo. Her piece is along side of the photo. Joanne was the camera woman for the workshop. Her photos show the knitting spirit of the day.
The Mountain Spinners and Weavers Guild highly recommend Brecia Kralovic-Logan. Brecia puts together such a professional instruction bag. This along with the newly learned creative knitting we will be knitting Prescott!
Contact Brecia Kralovic-Logan in Santa Barbara, California by e-mail [email protected] -- Your group can also enjoy Creative Knitting!