Brooches are so versatile when it comes to where you wear them.
This piece has the Blood Stone Drop beaded around a Drusie. The smaller drop beads are Labadorite and Facaded Green Glass. Can you see this on your felted hat?
The Clover Button is the ma
These brooches can adorn anything you wear.
The Green Vintage Button is adorned with Fresh Water Pearls, German Facaded Crystals, and a light green flat drop loop. I found the drop loop at The Bead Museum Bead Shop. Gabriele Liese, the Museum founder, donated all of her bead stash to the museum store and I purchased several of her beads. During a program at the Bead Society last year she explained that this bead collection she donated to the Museum Bead Store is an accumulation of beads she found all over the world, she had planned to create her own jewelry. You all know what we have in our stash and donating beads to the Museum Bead Store not only gives us a tax write off, but also supports the Museum.
You will find all of these brooches and more at Arts Prescott Cooperative Gallery, 134 S. Montezuma Street, Heart of Historical Whiskey Row here in Prescott.