If you are a Beader, Knitter, Spinner, Weaver or just do crafts to the point your joints and muscles hurt check out Mary Kaye O'Neill's Warmer. I know when I walk through a room and my Spinning Wheel winks at me I need to spin a bit. A bit turns into a couple of wonderful hours enjoying my fiber.
Mary Kaye O'Neill, a friend and a fellow jeweler at the Arts Prescott Cooperative Gallery makes these wonderful "Bed Warmers". I have one and I have discovered that they not only are perfect to pop into the microwave for a few minutes and place under the covers about 15 minutes before bed time, but they also releave tension in my shoulders. Mary Kaye writes, "You'll have to wrestle other folks or critters who happen to inhabit the bed with you... to fight for the warmer."
I discovered the first night I had The Warmer that it works great for the shoulders and elbows after a long afternoon of seed beading all of those brooches for the gallery. I don't warm it quiet as long as before I warm it at bed time. Everyone needs to be careful not to make it too hot. The good thing is if I do heat The Warmer too much I just lay it near me for a minute or two and then it is ready for my shoulders.
You can have a Mary Kaye Warmer too...contact her at: [email protected]