Members of the Mountain Spinners and Weavers Guild travel the world to bring back a wealth of information about fibers.
Vic and Jeanne Zinda just returned from China and here is just some of the adventures into the world of Silk.
These three pictures are devoted to Silk Caps. Here is a batch of Caps hanging waiting to be used in making a silk comforter.
Working on the Silk Cocoons is an art in itself. I saw this at a Judith MacKenzie Spinning Class hosted by Will and Kate Taylor in the Bay Area and it is a sight to see.
Here you see the girls in Shanghai, China removing the worms out of the cocoons.
The Zinda's toured another Silk manufacturing company in Shanghai. A Quilt Batt is being made on the table. A board and three large weights hold one half of the stretched out cocoon, while the workers shift to take care of the second half of the quilt.
Thank you Jeanne for sending such wonderful photos. This might ignite and interest into the world of silk for all who reads this.
You can read about how to prepare a silk cap for spinning or just pulling it to make your own roving to knit at: