The Bead Movement, a documentary produced and directed by Wendy Simpson Conner, is a must have! It also makes a wonderful gift for anyone interested in beads.
Glenda Campbell and I are both in the video talking about growing up in Phoenix together and how we both got into bead making and jewelry design. It was truly a delight to be in this video and have the experience to travel to Beverly Hills to see it on the big screen. This bead documentary was up for an Academy Award Nomination and the screening was an exciting event.
You can acquire this video on my web site and of course I will have it at "To Bead True Blue" in Tucson. Be sure to come by and check out my booth and say hello.
To the right is the back of the video with all of the information Wendy included in the documentary video.
Left: This is one of my first beads I created while learning to use my torch in Phoenix before we moved to Prescott. I scanned this photo from the front of Wendy's video cover.