"Just Loves Beads" Bracelet was featured in The Idiot's Guild to Beading Illustrated. This was designed during the days of my beaded amulet bag craze. I love seed beads and I had just learned during a NanC Meinhardt class how to do right angle weave.
Right angle weave is one of my favorite stitches which creates light flowing lace made of beads.
During the beginning stages of the weave you create a seed bead ladder. I did this and decided to create seed bead loops along with larger colorful beads hanging from each ladder up bead. I did this and the "Just Loves Beads" Bracelet was created.
This ladder bracelet is a great way to wear your favorite beads. The clear lampwork beads were made from an Absolute Vodka Bottle. The light green, of course, is a recycled Chardonnay bottle. Somewhere in the bunch you will also find dark green Merlot recycled glass.
Stone beads as well as Miracle beads are nested between the seed beads. This is just plain fun!